medicinal plants

medicinal plants

Nutmeg - Myristica fragrans Houtt

Trunked plants are tall at about 18 m. The leaves are egg-shaped round or oval in which the foot-long and sharp edges. The back is blue-green leaves, upper leaves are dark green in color, measuring 15 x 7 cm and fragrant aromatic smell. The flowers are yellow; mostly male flowers and female flower part. Flowers are gathered as a bercagak panicle small and furry.
Male flower-shaped pitcher, the magnitude of between 7-9 mm, with pole-sari yarn while the female flowers somewhat larger and has no pole stamens. Nutmeg plants bear fruit round, with wrinkle fruit lengthwise and divided into two sides. Paia seed traded red, enclosed by the fleshy mantle of leaves (or arillus mace, with a subtle crimson hue); hard flesh, whitish, containing a white sap, and taste chocolate, delicious eaten with sugar or syrup.
Nutmeg, in Latin Myristica fragrans (MaIuku) / M. argantea (Pala Papua) / M. Fatua (Pala Ielaki) / M. Moschata. In the Indonesian language: PahaIo / Paala / Paia bibinek. Whereas in English is Nutmeg / Mace. Most came from the Moluccas (Ambon whiskers), is now grown in tropical countries, and in the islands Antillia.
Known in India was taken by a Hindu nation teIah settled in Java and in the eastern kepuIauan. From India to New Guinea and Europe, Paia and fulinya seeds used as a spice and medicine. These plants usually ditanamdi gardens and other places at an altitude of about 1000 m from the surface laut.PaIa are medicinal plants that seringkaIi mentioned Pharmacopoeia, the National Herb medicines or written as official prescription, and used at least in 23 countries.

Chemical Ingredients
Nutmeg contains substances: oil fly (myristin, pinene, kamfen (substance drugged), dipenten, safrol pinene, eugenol, iso-eugenol, alcohols), gliseda (-miristinat acid, oleic acid, borneol, giraniol), protein , fat, starch sugar, vitamins A, B1 and C. Oil still contains trimyristin.
Nutmeg is known as the Cement Myristicae containing Myristica fragrans seeds with a layer of lime, after fulinya removed. The seeds contain oil fly, and has a fragrant and aromatic flavor is somewhat bitter. A total of 8-17% oil fly on offer is the most important ingredient in mace.

Curable Disease:
SPECIAL PROPERTIES Neutralize. Efficacy Arilus: Stomakik, carminative, and stimulant. Seeds: carminative, spasmolitik, and antiemetics. RESEARCH Sudjiman Djojosengodjo S. Section of Pharmacology, Faculty., Has been conducting research Nutmeg seed sedative infusions in mice. From the results of these studies, oral administration was produced the following conclusions. a. Nutmeg seed infusion sedative effect 10% higher than the nutmeg seed infusion of 5%. b. Nutmeg seed infusion effect 10% more or less 1 / 10 0.05% klorpromazina effect.

The sheath fruit seeds, seeds, and fruit leather.

- Seed:
- Dysentery.
- Maag.
- Diarrhea.
- Stopping vomiting.
- Nausea.
- Heartburn.
- Stomach bloating.
- It's hard to sleep in children.
- Rheumatism (external drug-soap nutmeg).
- The voice hoarse (external drug).

Seed Nutmeg (powder) 1 gram
Stone Fruit Bananas (powder) 6 grams
Water 100 ml

Pernbuatan ways:

How to use:
Drinked 1 times one 100 ml.

Duration of treatment:
Repeated for 30 days.

Stopping Vomiting and Heartburn
Seed Nutmeg (powder) 1 teaspoon
A little salt
Sufficient water

Ways of making:

How to use:
Taken together with the waste.

Voice husky (Hoarseness)
Seed Nutmeg (powder) 2 points
Ginger rhizome (dikukur) 3 rhizomes
Flower bud Cloves (powdered) 7 seed
50 ml of water

Ways of making:

Pernakaian ways:
Used as boreh on the neck; if needed, plus a little eucalyptus oil.

Duration of treatment:
Updated every 3 hours.

Not recommended with use of excessive doses.

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