medicinal plants

medicinal plants


This plant comes from Asia and spread in Spain, Italy, Indonesia, America and other parts of the world. Banana plants prefer natural areas open enough sunlight, suitable to grow in lowland until height of 1000 meters above sea level. Basically the banana plant is a plant that does not have a true stem. Trunk formed from the development and growth of the midrib midrib surrounding soft shaft length, the actual banana stem weevil found in hidden in the ground
Composition:CHEMISTRY CONTENT: According to research bananas contain high levels include: - Vitamin A, B1, C - Fat - Minerals (potassium, chlorine, sodium, magnesium, phosphorus) - Carbohydrates - Dextrose - Water - Sucrose - Levulose - telut White Substance - Substance Flour
Curable Disease:Bleeding of the uterus, vagina close up, Sprue intestine, hemorrhoid; Chicken pox, Ear and Throat swelling, dysentery, tonsillitis; Stomach cancer, jaundice (liver), colon bleeding, diarrhea;
1. Stomach Cancer
Ingredients: Tunas / child banana tree trunks and 1 piece of plant
parasite tea
Method: child shredded banana and water taken by 4
cup, and then boiled together with the parasite tea
to boil down to 2 cups.
How to use: drink 1 cup 2 times a day, morning and afternoon
and carried out regularly.
2. Jaundice
Ingredients: Bananas ripe gold
How to use: eat bananas a lot of gold.
3. Family Planning
Ingredients: Banana Flower ambon
Method: boiled with water until boiling
How to use: drink water 2 times a day, morning and
before bed. Performed for 7 consecutive days after
menstruation or childbirth.
4. Bowel Bleeding
Ingredients: bud / child and 1 piece of banana weevil parasite tea
Method: banana grated and squeezed the child to be taken
as much as 2 cups water and then boiled together with
weevil parasite tea is to boil down to 1 cup.
How to use: filtered and drunk two times a day 1 cup.
5. Bleeding Uterus
Ingredients: bud / child and 1 piece of banana weevil parasite tea
Method: shredded banana boy and take water as much as 2
the glass. Then boiled with weevil parasite tea
is to boil down to 1 cup.
How to use: filter and drink 1 a day 1 / 2 cup.
6. Preventing Bleeding After Childbirth
Ingredients: banana trunk
Method: shredded banana tree trunks to take water.
How to use: filtered and drunk two times a day 1 / 2 cup.
7. Sprue Intestine
Material: Leather kluthuk bananas that are ripe and fruit
raw banana.
Method: Skin bananas and bananas raw kluthuk
is sliced ​​thin, then finely ground, squeezed to
out the water and diembun-embunkan overnight outside the home.
How to use: drink after getting out of bed / early morning.
8. Pressed and Preventing Vaginal Bleeding
Ingredients: banana trunk stones that have not flowered.
Method: banana trees are chopped off to take water
How to use: used to wash the vagina after
9. Hemorrhoid
Ingredients: bananas kluthuk is still raw, fennel pulasari
to taste and 1 piece of brown sugar.
Method: kluthuk shredded banana to take water.
Then mixed with other ingredients and stir until
evenly distributed.
How to use: filtered and drunk.
10. Chickenpox
Ingredients: banana stem weevil kluthuk, fennel pulosari
Method: shredded banana weevil to take water,
then mixed with other ingredients until evenly distributed.
How to use: filtered and drunk.
11. Ear Swelling
Material: Leather banana kustruk
Method: Skin bananas and baked in a state
warm pressed to take water.
How to use: applied on the ear swelling.
12. Throat Swelling
Ingredients: banana tuber     Method: Clevis banana grated and extorted to be taken
the water.
How to use: used to gargle.
13. Dysentery
Ingredients: banana      Method: shredded to take water as much as 1 / 2 cup
How to use: drink 3 days
14. Diarrhea (adults)
Ingredients: Raw banana lime
Method: burned
How to use: edible
15. Diarrhea (Infant)
Materials: kapok banana  of crude
Method: sliced ​​and fried without oil
How to use: eaten by mothers who are breastfeeding a baby
16. Tonsil
Ingredients: banana stem weevil
Method: grated and squeezed to take water
How to use: drink

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1 komentar:

V. K. Sinha said...

Thanks for your great information, the contents are quiet interesting.I will be waiting for your next post.
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