medicinal plants

medicinal plants

Ginger - Zingiber officinale

Ginger (Zingiber officinale), Ginger is a medicinal plant in the form of quasi-trunked clump of plants. Ginger comes from the Asia Pacific region that spread from India to China. By Therefore the two nations is touted as the nation's first use primarily as a beverage ginger, spices and traditional medicines.

Ginger is included in the tribe-finding meeting (Zingiberaceae), a family with Intersection-Other findings such as temu lawak (Cucuma xanthorrizha), black Intersection (Curcuma aeruginosa), turmeric (Curcuma domestica), galingale (Kaempferia galanga), galangal (Languas galanga) and others.

Ginger rhizome can be used as a spice in cooking, flavor and flavors in foods such as bread, cakes, biscuits, confectionery and a variety of beverages. Ginger can also be used in the drug industry, perfume, traditional herbal medicine industry, processed into pickled ginger, made pickles, salad and so on. Today farmers use chilli ginger as a natural pesticide.

In a trade sale in the form of fresh ginger, dry ginger powder and preserved ginger. In addition there is the processed ginger, such as: oil astiri and koresin obtained by distilling useful as mixing ingredients in alcoholic beverages, ice cream, sausage mixture and others.

The benefits are pharmakologi among others are as carminative, anti-vomiting, seizures relievers, anti-hardening of the arteries blood, sweat laxative, anti-inflammatory, anti microbial and parasitic, anti piretik,
anti-rheumatic, and stimulate spending and gastric lymph nodebile.

The Ginger Benefits include:

  1. Able to relieve stomach pain and restore joint inflammation.
  2. Ginger proved efficacious as karminativum or may stimulate the release of gas from the stomach so as to treat colds.
  3. Its warm the body is also believed to reduce nausea, cough and mild flu symptoms.
  4. Other studies mentioned, the content of the enzyme protease and lipase contained in ginger function break down proteins and fats. These enzymes that help digest and absorb foods that increase your appetite.
  5. Ginger also protects the digestive system by decreasing gastric acidity. Acetone and methanol compounds in ginger are also able to inhibit the irritation of the digestive tract. Benefits, stomach pain can be reduced by taking ginger. Inflammatory arthritis / rheumatoid arthritis can also be overcome by consuming a lot of ginger because ginger inhibit the production of prostaglandins, hormones in the body that can trigger inflammation.
  6. Stimulates the release of the hormone adrenaline that can widen blood vessels so the body becomes warm, the blood flows more smoothly and decreased blood pressure.
  7. Ginger also contains cineole and arginine are able to overcome premature ejaculation. These compounds also stimulate an erection, prevent sterility and strengthen the endurance of sperm. Nothing wrong if someone else referred to him as a food or food aphrodisiac libido booster, special is not it?
  8. Treatment of ovarian cancer, Ginger is one weapon that is effective in the treatment of ovarian cancer.
  9. Preventing colon cancer, Because ginger can also slow the growth of colorectal cancer cells.
  10. Healing of nausea due to pregnancy, results of a review of several studies showed that ginger is equally effective as vitamin B6 in nausea triggered by pregnancy.
  11. Relieve migraine, research found that ginger can relieve migraine pain by stopping the work of prostaglandins, causing pain and inflammation of the blood vessels.
  12. Relieves cramps, In Chinese medicine, ginger is also used to treat menstrual cramps due.
  13. Prevent pain due to diabetes, a study conducted in rats with diabetes found that rats given ginger decreased the incidence of pain due to diabetes.

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