medicinal plants

medicinal plants

Onion - Allium cepa L.

Onion (Allium cepa L.) is the name of the families Alliaceae plant and the name of the tubers produced. This plant is thought to have come from Central Asia region that is about India.

This plant is widely grown men in the fields or fields that get enough sun. Berumpun and bulbous plants of this layer purplish color and pungent. Trunked plants that do not season it's green leaves are long, taper-shaped tube ends. The flowers are pinkish white. Both the bulbs and leaves are used daily to scent and tasty variety of foods. However, onion is also often used in various traditional medicinal herb.

Because it contains flavonglikosida, he considered anti-inflammatory, bacterial killing, whereas the content of saponinnya thins phlegm. He also has a number of other nutritious substances down the heat, warm, wind from the stomach facilitate expenditure, expenditure launched urine, prevent blood clotting, lowers cholesterol, and blood sugar levels. According to recent studies, red onion can also prevent cancer because the content of sulfur. Bulbs her sandwich containing substances such as proteins, fats, calcium, phosphorus, iron, vitamin B1 and C.

1. Fever in children
2. Flatulence, vomiting
3. catch a cold
4. scrapings
5. cough
6. dysentery
7. hypertension
8. diabetes
9. Water fleas / kakirangen
10. Ulcers / sores
11. Lumpy breasts / mastitis
12. Launched the urine in children with fever
13. sprue

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